Medical Care
If you have experienced physical or sexual violence but are not in immediate danger, please visit the PRHC emergency department, and tell the Triage nurse that you need to speak to someone at the Women’s Health Care Centre.
The Sexual Assault and Domestic Violence Program at the Women’s Health Care Centre provides trauma-informed care to individuals who have experienced sexual assault and/or abuse by an intimate partner. Please click the link below for more information.
Women’s Health Care Centre
PDAN Members
The following organizations are members of the Peterborough Domestic Abuse Network.
Brain Injury Association Peterborough Region
Many survivors of physical violence may experience the effects of brain injury without being aware.
CCRC (Community Counselling and Resource Centre)
CCRC offers counselling, support, and resources to assist with personal well-being and access to housing, related financial management and connection with community.
Services: Professional Counselling, Housing Resource Centre, Employee Assistance Program.
Consent at Trent
Compassionate support and connection to resources for students who have experienced sexual and/or gender-based violence (recent or historical).
WebsiteCity of Peterborough Social Services
Offer various community services to community members to help people discover new ways to move forward.
Services: Ontario Works, Emergency Assistance, The Housing Stability Fund, Children’s Services, and Housing and Shelter.
Curve Lake First Nation
Curve Lake First Nation offers a number of services to members and residents. They are responsible for day-to-day operations and services/programs of Curve lake First Nation.
Services: Healthy babies healthy children, social services, mental health and wellness, child and family support, NNADAP, and more
Dalhousie Youth Support Services
Help youth in conflict with the law by offering programs to promote and develop positive social behaviours and encourage personal and academic growth. The on-site classroom provides an alternative to mainstream school.
Services: Education Learning Program, Community Support and Reintegration Program, Extra Judicial Measures and Sanctions, court support and one on one support.
Elder Abuse Prevention Ontario
EAPO collaborates with local networks to provide education, information and advocacy relating to elder abuse and protecting seniors.
Services: Deliver education programs and activities, develop resources and enhance awareness of local supports, services and avaialble programs that help older adults who are at-risk of experiencing abuse within their communities.
Elizabeth Fry Society
EFry advocates and provides services for women who have been criminalized or imprisoned, as well as those at risk of becoming criminalized.
Services: advocacy, justice services, community programs, peer programs, Housing programs, community outreach.
Fleming College
College community medical clinic at Fleming College Sutherland Campus.
Services: physical exam, birth control, STI testing, counseling, blood work, immunization clinics, and more.
Offers different programs and services related to addiction including:
- Group and Individual Counselling
- Community Withdrawal Management
- Consumption & Treatment Services
- Service for Parents & Pregnant Women
- Problem Gambling
- Harm Reduction
Four Counties Family Mediation
A mediator can assist you to negotiate a settlement with respect to issues including:
- A parenting plan for children
- Child support
- Spousal support
- Division of property
Self-referrals or referrals from the court, lawyers, doctors or other community services or professionals. Fees for mediation are on a sliding scale that considers both income and number of dependants. Fees start at $5 per person per hour and there is no cost to attend the initial individual session.
John Howard Society (Peterborough)
JHS provides services and programs that help reduce the impact of crime and its causes.
Services: counselling, institutional services, youth diversion, youth services & programming.
Kawartha Haliburton Children’s Aid Society
The Kawartha-Haliburton Children’s Aid Society is a child protection agency committed to protecting children and youth from abuse and neglect. They provide help to parents and families to meet children’s needs while also providing safe, enduring placements when they are at risk.
Services: Children’s Services, family Services, Legal Services and more.
WebsiteKawartha Sexual Assault Centre
Offers services for anyone affected by sexual assault or gender-based violence or harm.
Services: counselling, group workshops, advocacy, accompaniment services, crisis support, peer supports, and more.
Murray McKinnon Foundation
A non-profit charitable organization providing a caring and supportive environment to young men and women who are in conflict with the law or at risk of youth justice involvement. The foundation operates the Lavender Hill Healing House which is a specialized residence is dedicated to female (including trans) children and youth under the age of 18 who have been sex trafficked.
New Canadians Centre
Support immigrants and refugees and ease the process of adjusting to a new life in Canada.
Services: information and referrals, language instruction, employment services, community outreach.
Niijkiwendida Anishnaabewewaag Services Healing Circle
Counselling and healing services for Indigenous women and their families -Offers therapeutic healing work through the use of Anishnaabe practices, blended with community and client-centered methods of healing.
Services: Indigenous Healthy Babies Healthy Children, Indigenous Counselling for Women, Indigenous Child Witness to Violence, Indigenous Transitional Housing, Indigenous Youth inTransition
Nogojiwanong Friendship Centre
A multi-service organization striving to enhance the quality of life for Indigenous People in the City of Peterborough and surrounding area. Services: Children & Youth, Healing & Intervention, Healthy Living, Cultural Connections.
One City Peterborough
Host of programs that aim to create stability and increase wellness for those experiencing criminalization and homelessness, advocate for systemic change and address immediate needs of homeless people. One City can provide free clothes, food, and survival gear.
One City also operates the Circles of Support and Accountability program, which is a community-based response for individuals who have been incarcerated for committing a sexual offence(s), are being released into the community, and wish to carry out crime-free lives. Participants are supported by a circle of volunteers who work with them to achieve goals and avoid reoffending.
WebsiteOntario Provincial Police
If you are in danger, call 911. For a non-emergency, call 1-888-310-1122. The number for the Peterborough detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police is 705 742-0401.
WebsitePARN (Peterborough AIDS Reduction Network)
Support and health promotion for people who are living with or affected by, or at-risk for HIV. Education, equipment and harm reduction supplies for people at risk for HIV, hepatitis C and other sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections.
Partners in Pregnancy Clinic
PIPC provides prenatal care for pregnant people through a team-based approach, as well as post-partum and newborn check-ups to patients of the clinic.
Services: Access to health care providers such as social workers, clinical nurses, a registered dietitian and a physician assistant.
Peterborough Child & Family Centres
PCFC provides information and support to expectant parents, families with young children and child care providers in the City and County of Peterborough.
Services: Prenatal and EarlyON programming up to age 7, Breastfeeding and Well Baby Clinic, Toy and Book Lending Library, Positive Parenting Programs, CAPC/CPNP
Peterborough Housing Corporation
Provides and maintains quality, affordable housing in a safe, healthy and secure environment.
Services: Community housing, rent supplement programs, and housing partnerships.
Peterborough Community Legal Centre
Provides free and confidential legal information, advice and representation for Ontario Works (welfare), EI, ODSP, Canada Pension Plan, Residential Rendancies Act., Consumer Protection, Human Rights Code and the Charter.
Peterborough Family Health Team
Medical health care team focused on family and community health. Includes family doctors, nurse practitioners, mental health clinicians, dietitian, occupational therapist, and pharmacist.
Peterborough Police Service
Police services in the communities of the City of Peterborough, Village of Lakefield, and the Township of Cavan Monaghan. If you are in danger, call 911. For a non-emergency, call 705-876-1122.
WebsitePeterborough Police Victim Services
Support for those affected by crime or tragic and unforeseen circumstances.
Services: crisis intervention, safety planning, emotional and practical support, advocacy, information, support through the criminal justice system, referrals to community agencies
Peterborough Probation and Parole
Community supervision of adult offenders on probation, provincial parole, and conditional sentence orders.
Services: Rehabilitation services, group programming and educational sessions
Peterborough Public Health
Offers a wide range of programs and services including, but not limited to, home visiting programs for parents, poverty reduction initiatives, infectious disease investigations, food premises and safe water inspections, and clinics offering vaccination, oral health and sexual health services.
PRHC Women’s Health
Offers care, information and counselling and treatment to vulnerable populations.
Services: Unplanned Pregnancy Program, Sexual Abuse Counselling, Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence Program, Colposcopy, Nurse Practitioner, Access to preventative and sexual healthcare for those who do not have a Family Doctor or Nurse Practitioner.
Telecare Distress Centre of Peterborough
A 24/7 local call centre which offers a non-judgmental, confidential listening ear to anyone in need. Calls received for a variety of topics including relationships, grief and loss, stress, depression and suicidal feelings, physical and emotional health, drugs and alcohol, etc.
Trent Valley Literacy Association
TVLA provides assistance with literacy and basic skills training, including numeracy, digital, communication and interpersonal skills to help learners prepare for employment, apprenticeship, secondary-school credit, post-secondary education and greaterindependence.
Victim Services Peterborough Northumberland
Provides emotional support and referrals to victims of crime.
Services: Emational support and referrals, Victim Quick Response Program
Victim/Witness Assistance Program (VWAP)
VWAP provides support to victims and witnesses of crime when dealing with court situations, are in need of court support or court prep, wish to speak with the Crown Attorney Office, receive information about charges, basic incidents, probation conditions, or are in need of court updates. VWAP is only involved when charges have been laid.
YWCA Peterborough
Provides programs, support and advocacy for women and families who want to live free from violence, poverty and oppression as they build their desired futures.
Services: START Program, Crossroads Shelter, Haliburton Emergency Rural SafeSpace (HERS), 24 Hour Crisis Line, family court support, programming, referrals and more.