girl listening to music

To everyone who made our 15th Jukebox Mania and first ever virtual offering a success!

We hope that everyone had a fantastic time and we look forward to the day when we can see you all again.

To everyone who made our 15th Jukebox Mania and first ever virtual offering a success!

We hope that everyone had a fantastic time and we look forward to the day when we can see you all again.

What is Jukebox Mania?

It’s Name that tune trivia! It’s a friendly competition where your team listens to clips of songs that follow a theme and you guess the artist or title of the song (or both!). Think of songs about birthdays, if that’s the category, every song clip will be from a song with either ‘birthday’ in the lyrics or in the title. Easy peasy right?

Jukebox Mania is also CCRC’s main fundraiser. Follow us on social media so you are in the know for next years’ JBM!

We could use your help - donate to our holiday giving campaign today!

CCRC will be closed at 3 pm on June 28th and all day July 1st for the Canada Day Weekend

CCRC will be closed at 3 pm on Feb 16 and all day Monday February 19 for Family Day.